2 Feb 2014

DES TEMPS ANTAN - Sage Gateshead - 30th January 2014

This energetic trio of Quebec musicians is playing their first ever English show tonight at Sage Gateshead but, disappointingly, although they have been tramping the byways of Canada and Ireland since 2003 there is hardly a mention of them out in cyberspace. This is a shame as they are a highly skilled and dynamic band that combine several different genres and deliver a warm hearted and spellbinding show.

With a cheery shout of "Gateshead, Bon Soir" they head off at quite a gallop taking in Irish jigs, blues, R&B and some excellent Cajun gumbo. The trio have some strong original features including underfoot percussion (you need to hear AND see it), slide bouzouki, and soaring vocals. Its a shame they are confined to a seated venue as were they to be let loose in a steamy bar the place would explode with energy.

Their fabulous melodic repertoire takes in ballads, jigs, reels and some authentic foot stomping. The combination of guitar, fiddle, accordion, harp and bouzouki makes for a storming evening. With a stream of stupendous series of laments, ballads and occasional a-cappella vocals this is a night to remember. 

Words: Greg Johnson

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