10 Mar 2014

EAGULLS at The Head Of Steam, Newcastle - 8th March 2014

With the launch of their debut, self-titled album being unanimously critically acclaimed it was something of a surprise to see a band such as Eagulls at a venue such as the Head of Steam. The HOS has its merits, given its fantastic selection of beers but its size limitations, lack of both stage and standing room and awkward shape mean visibility is difficult. This can however work both ways as the crowd are literally face to face with the band and that touching distance creates unity between the band and audience, giving it the feeling of an old fashioned punk gig as everyone moves together.
            Supported by Apache Viking and then the quite fantastic Autobahn, who will be a band to keep an eye out for, the venue quickly filled up for the sell out show. Eagulls took to the stage with the album’s opening track Nerve Endings and it was instantaneous that this was going to be a great show. The crowd were already hyped from the Joy Division-esqe performance of Autobahn so as George Mitchell burst into the first round of chorus with the line ‘Can’t Find My Head,’ the crowd ate it up, those more exuberant at the front through their hands to the air while those at the back battled for a better view.
            Frontman Mitchell’s streak of blonde hair and distinguishable eyes closed; mouth wide gave him an aura as he genuinely looked like a man who believed in his music, as the band behind him were tight with a sound that reverberated around the walls flawlessly. The band played for around forty minutes, covering the tracks on their album and a couple more such as their earlier single Coffin. There was no need for an encore as they worked through their catalogue seemingly and despite the close proximity of crowd and audience there was little dialogue between the two as everyone sucked into an aura of a great live show. Musically and visibly the band were flawless, and as much as I love the intimacy of the Head of Steam, I think it’s safe to say that upon the bands next visit to Newcastle they will be at a much bigger venue. 

Words: Ian Mason

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