12 Mar 2014

EMERGENCY DOOR RELEASE at The Head of Steam, Newcastle - 7th March 2014

Usurper took to the stage at the Head of Steam and quickly overcame what seemed to be a little apprehension to demonstrate their unique brand of rapidly changing agit rock. It took a while for me to get attuned to it but I really rather enjoyed the last two songs especially Stand up Motherfucker. I have tried to research these guys but they seem not to be set up on the social networks yet.

The Carnabells were a huge contrast to their dark indie rock support. This was real retro rock and roll of the kind you can’t help but like. Great songs, sing-along choruses, lovely shirts and a bright stage presence added up to a highly enjoyable performance. I shall be acquiring their CD for my car, I need this.

Emergency Door Release appeared fresh from a successful support slot for The Twang at the O2 last week. The band were even more “up for it” and the chemistry between them all was infectious. Their new songs were well received with James Rooney getting the audience participating in the OH OH’s of the upcoming single Serotonin Sarah. It’s great to see this band back writing, recording and performing. They are so at home on the stage and the new material aired so far has left me wanting to hear more. The launch gig for the new single is at Think Tank on 10th May, ending a UK tour and if these two gigs are anything to go by, it’ll be a good one.

Words: Joanne Oliver
Photo: Joanne Oliver

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