6 Mar 2014

PALOMA FAITH - A Perfect Contradiction

Paloma Faith has taken a turn in the world of music with her new album 'A Perfect Contradiction'; it brings out a funky, soul vibe I can see this album being played at a roller disco, it has a full-on 80’s feel to it, flares, jumpsuits and all included.
Being her red-headed fiery and feisty self, Paloma Faith’s album is a mixture of emotions with themes such as heart-break contrasted by Beyonce-esque strength independence. 
'Only Love Can Hurt' is a perfect example of this. The track is very emotional is quite a grand song.  It is a song sung from her heart, it’s a song suitable for fans that are dealing with a heart break and are in need for a good cry and a tub of Ben and Jerry’s.
On 'Other Woman' tears from from the previous track are replaced by resilience and girl power. It is Paloma’s way of telling you to stand up for yourself and get up out of bed and wipe away those tears, it has a real 'don't mess with me' vibe.
Remember 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams, well he has his work cut out. The song 'Trouble with My Baby' is coming to push Pharrell out the way. Paloma has found a song that will get listened to everyday, it is so catchy.
My favourite song is 'Impossible Heart', with a good melody and great lyrics it is a modern take on that 80’s funky disco sound.
A lot of these tracks from her album are about being broken hearted, troubles with relationships. It is quite upsetting and emotional however the music is the complete opposite it is upbeat, catchy and happy. 

Words: Gemma Hirst

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