5 Mar 2014


"This is not the same place I used to know but it still has that same old sound" is a quote from 'Past Lives' - track 2 on Real Estate's third album. It might well sum up the band's progression for whilst the lyrical content has matured (and perhaps needed to) the musical backdrop (which was always fine as it was) is reassuringly similar.

I've only listened to the record as a whole a couple of times but already the melodic guitar leads of Matt Mondanile are sticking in my consciousness and the atmospheric and relaxing vocals from Martin Courtney are providing perfect accompaniment.

Opener 'Had To Hear' sets the tone nicely and begs you to lie down beneath a warm sunny sky with beer in hand. 'April's Song' is a catchy meandering instrumental and 'Crime' sounds like a jangly yet sombre outtake from a Crowded House album.

Much of the lyrical content is contemplative. Both 'Primitive' and 'Had To Hear' are seemingly addressed to a loved one and use landscape as metaphor "I don't need the horizon to tell me where the sky ends. It's a subtle landscape where I come from" (Had To Hear).

The word 'dreamy' is applicable here. Indeed, no other word will do. This is by no means an exciting record; it doesn't break any new ground and for that reason I couldn't call it a contender for album of the year or month for that matter. That said it's graceful and sweet and maybe the perfect soundtrack to a lazy sunny day at the beach or the park.

Words: Russell Poad

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